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如果要用Python播放视频,或者打开摄像头获取视频流,我们可以用OpenCV Python。但是在视频帧获取的时候同时做一些图像识别和处理,可能会因为耗时多而导致卡顿。一般来说,我们首先会想到把这些工作放入到线程中处理。但是由于Python GIL的存在,用不用线程几乎没有区别。所以要解决这个问题,必须通过多进程。这里分享下使用Dynamsoft Barcode Reader开发Python条形码扫码的例子。学习从来不是一个人的事情,要有个相互监督的伙伴,工作需要学习python或者有兴趣学习python的伙伴可以私信回复小编“学习”或者评论,留言,点赞 领取全套免费python学习资料、视频()装包
安装Dynamsoft Barcode Reader:
pip install dbr
安装OpenCV Python
pip install opencv-python
from multiprocessing import Process, Queueframe_queue = Queue(4)finish_queue = Queue(1)dbr_proc = Process(target=dbr_run, args=( frame_queue, finish_queue))dbr_proc.start()
vc = cv2.VideoCapture(0) if vc.isOpened(): # try to get the first frame rval, frame = vc.read()else: return windowName = "Barcode Reader"base = 2count = 0while True: cv2.imshow(windowName, frame) rval, frame = vc.read() count %= base if count == 0: try: frame_queue.put_nowait(frame) except: try: while True: frame_queue.get_nowait() except: pass count += 1
def dbr_run(frame_queue, finish_queue): dbr.initLicense(config.license) while finish_queue.qsize() == 0: try: inputframe = frame_queue.get_nowait() results = dbr.decodeBuffer(inputframe, config.barcodeTypes) if (len(results) > 0): print(get_time()) print("Total count: " + str(len(results))) for result in results: print("Type: " + result[0]) print("Value: " + result[1] + "\n") except: pass dbr.destroy()